It's Now! . . . or Never!

Relationships - Financial Freedom - Creativity - Service

You really can (And Must) live an early retirement lifestyle right now!!!

- Nobody regrets the summer they backpacked across Europe.

- Nobody regrets the many hours spent learning a musical instrument.

- Nobody regrets a weekend fishing with their aging dad or grandfather.

- Nobody regrets a golf day with a brother or friend, even if you golf like me.

- No father regrets a poor night’s sleep on the trampoline, looking up at the stars with his kids.

- Nobody regrets that 3 hours spent in a soup kitchen, serving meals to the homeless.

These simple examples illustrate the most important aspects of a fulfilling life. Many of these things we do too rarely, or perhaps don’t fully appreciate at the time. These are the “stop to smell the roses” experiences that we all know we want to do, but feel we don’t have time for, at least not until later in life. We must not only stop to smell some roses, but also play in the garden for a while.

If you look at the glossy retirement magazines, or spend too long on travel or retirement websites, it’s easy to buy into the false assumption that a happy retirement requires a Bill Gates' mountain of money. You will see images of luxury vacations, fine dining, overpriced clothing, and very expensive toys. However, just FYI, 'his and hers' Rolexes have never, and will never, correlate with true contentment.

We discussed above that people don't regret the time and effort invested in relationships, creativity and helping others.  What most people DO REGRET is too much work, too much debt, too much stuff, and not enough time with family and friends. And here's the best kept secret; You can and must embrace these crucial things right now! When people dream of the ideal retirement, they visualize financial freedom, time with loved ones and maybe a little adventure. You don't have to wait for these, and in fact, I hope to prove that if you postpone freedom, relationships, creativity and adventure, while slaving for that giant, elusive nest egg, you will probably end up with none of it! Further, I will show you how the right, small pivots now can bring more fulfillment immediately, and for the rest of your free and full life. 

Please keep reading and discover how to retire early . . . and often.

You can retire early . . . and often!  We will explore the many ways to do it, weather you're a family of five or single and still in the mingle. Way too many people put off the IMPORTANT THINGS until "later in life," only to find that they are too sick, lonely and poor to do anything! This is not about quitting work. This Retire Early and Often lifestyle is about incorporating the most important aspects of "retirement" RIGHT NOW to get the most out of life. You simply must find your own combination of financial independence, relationship building, creativity and serving others. It's now or never! And we are here to help!  Check out our YouTube videos HERE!

Our latest YouTube videos are here to help you retire early . . . and often!

Youtube Channel videos!

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